Lab of Dr. Salomão Bandeira (in construction)
engaging students and stakeholders in marine and coastal management
Dr. Salomão Bandeira
Dr Salomão Bandeira is a seagrass and mangrove ecologist. He is familiar with marine and coastal issues pertaining seagrass, mangrove and coastal dunes governance, management also restoration. He is currently Associate Professor in marine biology at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique. Has been visiting Professor at Cape Verde University PGCD PhD Programe. He is member of the international Advisory Group to the CBD for EBSAs (Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas). He is Mozambique CITES Scientific Coordinator and recently became Chair of the Regional Task Forces for the Component A (Sustainable Management of Critical Habitats) UNEP - WIOSAP project (WIO region)